About me

Geospatial Data Scientist, certified GISP® (GIS Professional), and certified commercial UAS remote pilot. Cross-disciplinary background in statistics/machine learning, geospatial analysis/modeling & visualization, and programming. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to lead and coordinate teams and projects, while always having an underlying motivation to learn and constantly grow my technical skills. I am currently employed as a Geospatial Data Scientist with The Nature Conservancy in Michigan, U.S.A.

Obtained my PhD in Geomatics from the University of Florida, my MSc in Statistics for Biomedicine, the Environment, and Technology from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy), and a BSc in Statistics and Information Systems from the University of Florence (Italy).

I am a self-driven and dynamic professional with a passion for creating useful and reusable modeling & software tools to help others — check out my projects in the work section or explore my project code repositories on Github.

In the past several years, I've become an experienced programmer in Python and R, proficient in several statistical software (R, SPSS, SAS) and GIS/remote sensing software (ArcGIS, GRASS GIS, QGIS, ERDAS). I am also familiar with C#, C/C++, VBA for ArcObjects and web development (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript). I have several years of experience with version control tools (Git, Bitbucket) and cloud technologies (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud).

I love team sports — especially soccer and basketball — enjoy travelling, brewery-hopping, and baking when time allows.

I grew up in Florence (Italy) and moved to Rome (Italy) during my master degree studies. In 2010, I moved to the USA for my doctoral studies, and have worked ever since in places like Florida, Raleigh (North Carolina), East Lansing (Michigan), and Denver (Colorado). Chek out my map at the bottom of this page for a summary of all my moves over the years.


Most Recent

  • Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP®) (License #160465 —Expires July 2024)
  • Commercial UAS Remote Pilot (Certificate #4978980 —Issued March 2024)
  • Amazon Web Services:
    • Introduction to Amazon SageMaker (Completion April 2024)
    • Architecting on AWS (Completion June 2023)
    • AWS Technical Essentials Day (Completion May 2023)
    • Big Data on AWS (Completion May 2021)
    • Data Lakes on AWS (Completion June 2021)
  • Udemy E-learning:
    • Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp (License UC-I3WRI1W3)
    • Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python (License UC-UYRUSMQ3)
    • The Complete SQL Bootcamp (License UC-VMGWVI0I)
    • Using Open Source Tools to Create an Enterprise GIS (License UC-9N9AYYRT)
    • Satellite Remote Sensing Data Bootcamp With Opensource Tools (License UC-F446W6UL)
    • Docker Mastery: The Complete Toolset from a Docker Captain (License UC-0YJZWN1D)
    • Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis (License UC-SYMKZCIN)
    • The Web Developer Bootcamp (License UC-JGDIMAZS)
  • Microsoft:
    • DEV211.1x: Introduction to HTML and JavaScript
  • edX verified certificate by EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
    • A Resilient Future: Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction