Francesco Tonini

Geospatial Data Scientist

Francesco Tonini

Geospatial Data Scientist

A data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician

Josh Wills

I'm a geospatial data scientist, certified GISP® (GIS Professional), and commercial UAS remote pilot, with a cross-disciplinary background in statistics/machine learning, geospatial analysis/modeling & visualization, and programming. My professional interests include cloud and AI tools to solve global environmental & sustainability challenges; ecosystem services provision and human-natural systems research; GIS for disaster management and emergency response. You can read more about me, check out geospatial projects I have worked on over the years, and access a few resources such as publications, videos and slides as well.


Deep Learning for Ecosystem Services

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Storm Forecast with Machine Learning

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Geospatial Applications and Tools for Coupled Human-Natural Systems

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Tangible Geospatial Modeling for Collaborative Environmental Management

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Software Extension for Modeling Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forest Disease Spread

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Drought Risk Assessment from Satellite Imagery Analysis

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